



TRITON YOUTH BASKETBALL, Inc. (also referred to as TYB) is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization designed to promote and develop basketball programs for boys' and girls' in the third through eighth grades that live in the towns of Newbury, Massachusetts (including Byfield), Rowley, Massachusetts and Salisbury, Massachusetts or that attend a school within the Triton Regional School District (including private and charter schools located within the towns served by the Triton Regional School District). The development of boys' and girls' basketball will focus on providing the players with the fundamental understanding and enjoyment of basketball. Participation and sportsmanship will be stressed at all levels, with a primary concern for developing basic individual skills and general team concepts.


Officers. TYB shall be managed by four elected officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. These shall each be elected by the Board of Directors for terms equal to the shorter of three years or such remaining time as the officer has a child participating in the TYB program. Officers can be re-elected for subsequent terms and may resign at any time.

Program Directors. Separate coordinators shall also be appointed by the President from among the members of the Board of Directors to serve as: Boys Travel Director, Girls Travel Director, Upper TYBA Director (Grades 5-8) and Lower TYBA Director (Grades 3-4), Instructional TYB Director (Grades 1-2), Master Scheduler, Evaluation Director, Facilities Coordinator, Uniform Coordinator, and Social Media Coordinator. The same person may serve as an officer and Program Director.

Board of Directors. Policy decisions on behalf of TYB shall be made by a Board of Directors. All members of the Board are voting positions. Elected Board members shall serve so long as they remain active participants in TYB activities with elections being held to fill any vacant positions. Though there are no set qualifications to be a Director of TYB, it is expected that any candidate shall have demonstrated a previous tangible commitment to the program. Board candidates do not have to be coaches.


A. President

  • The President serves as overseer of all TYB operations, functions and activities.
  • Approves the basketball calendar.
  • Appoints a board member to take minutes if Secretary is absent.
  • Investigates complaints and discipline concerns for both TYBA Leagues (formerly the recreation league) and Travel Leagues together with the applicable Program Director.
  • Schedules all board meetings and coaches' meetings.

B. Vice President

  • Performs all of the above with the President and fills in for President if absent for any reason.
  • Responsible for the program development across all basketball operations: will work to ensure that proper skills are being taught and that coaches are working to develop players at appropriate levels.

C. Treasurer

  • Responsible for TYB finances including payment of all approved expenditures and accounting of income from program registrations, tournaments, sponsors and other sources.
  • Shall present updated financials no less than quarterly for approval by the executive officers.
  • Responsible for payment of all TYB expenses, including all travel leagues, referee fees and facility rentals.
  • Issues a financial statement report at all board meetings.
  • Responsible for annual tax filings and non-profit filings.

D. Secretary

  • Takes minutes at board meetings.
  • Assists with the coordination of registrations and tryouts.
  • Updates website regularly to include notifications about upcoming TYB events, such as sign-ups, Travel Tryouts, Intramural Evaluations.
  • Enters Team Rosters into the league website at the start of the season and sends contact information to coaches.

E. Travel Directors

  • Serve as primary liaison with the appropriate league.
  • Serve as primary overseer of all coaches and players with the travel program, including discipline.

F. Upper and Lower TYBA Directors

  • Serve as primary overseer of all coaches and players with the TYBA program.
  • Coordinate all activities within the TYBA program. The coordinators shall also be responsible for setting the game schedule.

G. Instructional TYB Director

  • Serve as primary overseer of all players with the TYB program.
  • Coordinate all activities within the TYB program.

H. Master Scheduler

  • Ensure that all teams are fairly determined in accordance with the guidance set forth herein or as otherwise established by the Board of Directors.
  • Coordinates with all coaches to create a practice schedule for the season
  • Works with Upper and Lower TYBA Directors to coordinate gym space for intramural games
  • Enters practice and game schedules into the league website at the start of the season
  • Monitors schedule and gym use as the season progresses to adjust for schedule changes
  • Updates website to adjust schedules as changes arise
  • Sends weekly email to all Triton facilities reminding them of TYB gym use
  • Serves as primary coordinator of Referees at all levels
  • Timekeepers are provided by the League for all home Travel Team games. 
  • Coordinate volunteers and train them to run the clock at SES and NES.

I. Evaluation Director

  • Ensure that all teams are fairly determined in accordance with the guidance set forth herein or as otherwise established by the Board of Directors.
  • Organize evaluations for intramural teams
  • Organize tryouts for travel teams and ensure that teams are selected fairly.

J. Facilities Coordinator

  • Responsible for reserving gym space and times 
  • Responsible for coordinating custodians
  • Ensure home courts are open and custodians are present where applicable, or assigns a delegate.
  • Primary contact for game day issues with home sites or assigning a delegate.
  • Responsible for managing Board presence at home games/courts.

K. Uniform Coordinator

  • Responsible for managing, distributing, and collecting uniforms across all TYB Programs
  • Coordinates with Treasurer on costs and procurement
  • Responsible for managing inventory between seasons
  • Primary contact for TYB Community on any uniform-related matters

L. Social Media Coordinator

  • Responsible for creating and managing social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) to allow league families to share photos, etc. from the season.
  • Primary owner for website content


  • Meetings may be called by the President or any four (4) members of the Board of Directors.
  • There must be a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the board members present before an issue can be voted upon (subject to such specific higher voting requirements as set forth herein). Issues requiring a vote without the minimum numbers of members present must be tabled until the next meeting. Board members must attend 75% of the meetings in each twelve month period in order to stay on the Board. If you cannot make a meeting, please contact the President by email or phone.


  • New members of the TYB Board are elected by a majority of the current members and may remain as members for as long as they participate actively in the work of TYB.
  • Any officer or Board member can be removed at any time by a majority vote of the full Board.
  • Any member demonstrating consistent reluctance to participate and contribute to designated board activities will be contacted by the President to discuss the member's intention of remaining active.
  • All members of the TYB Board are responsible for assigned activities. It is expected that members of the TYB Board assist in the maintenance of a presence at Triton High School during all TYB activities.
  • All members must be "active members" by attending scheduled meetings on time as well as to participate in our fundraisers and TYBA programs.


  • A vacancy on the Board will be filled as soon as possible.
  • Candidates for the vacant positions must commit to and support our youth basketball efforts as a whole, rather than simply a narrow segment of our program.
  • Nominations of prospective members may be placed before the Board by any member considered in active standing.


The Travel Teams are for players who want to play basketball against a higher level of competition than TYBA. These players must possess individual and team basketball skills that will allow them to compete at a travel level. Players must try out and be selected for a Travel Team. All interested players (including players on a Travel Team) may participate in the TYBA, and players from outside of Rowley, Salisbury and Newbury may participate in the TYBA with the consent of the President and the Upper TYBA Director or Lower TYBA Director, as applicable. In coordination with the President, the Evaluation Director is responsible for coordinating unbiased evaluators, scheduling evaluations and tryouts, and determining Lower/Upper TYBA and Travel Teams.

TYBA Team Selection

  • Lower TYBA Teams will be created following an evaluation session using criteria sufficient to ensure balanced teams by both grade level and town.
  • Lower and Upper TYBA Teams will be created by the Evaluation Director using input from the evaluators and must be approved by the President and the appropriate Travel Director (by gender) prior to finalization. The goal of the team selection is to create fairly-balanced teams while also encouraging a mix of grade level and town.
  • TYBA Teams will be required to have relatively balanced playing time for all players

Travel Team Selection

  • Travel team tryouts are open to all players who have paid their registration fee and are in grades 5 through 8. Each year, an assessment will be made by the Evaluation Director, the applicable Travel Director (by gender) and the President as to whether the talent level would also support a 4th grade travel team in either gender.
  • Only players eligible to compete under the applicable travel league's guidelines may try out.
  • Travel teams must have a minimum of ten players. The Evaluation Director and President can grant exceptions for smaller or larger teams in certain scenarios.
  • Tryouts will be coordinated by the Evaluation Director. The Evaluation Director will coordinate evaluators to assess players. The Evaluation Director’s goal is to identify evaluators that will ensure fair, unbiased assessments. If tryouts are needed, they will be held. A minimum of three (3) evaluators (including the team coach) must evaluate the candidates for each travel team at the initial evaluation. Recognizing that a team is more than the sum of its parts, the evaluators are encouraged to work collaboratively to determine the best squad, and should take into account complementary skill sets of players (and not simply select the most skilled players without regard to the team needs as a whole).
  • In coordination with the President and Travel Director(s), the Evaluation Director will coordinate all aspects of Travel Team tryouts.
  • TYB tryouts for the travel teams will be a closed door session unless circumstances warrant otherwise.
  • Travel Tryouts are held during late October/early November. There might be only one tryout session for each team, with additional tryouts only added at the Evaluation Directors's discretion (subject to gym availability) with approval from the President. All players must try out in order to be considered for a position on a travel team. 
  • Any player injured during or before the tryouts will be evaluated on his/her previous experience if that player is expected to be able to return before mid-season. If this player is considered capable of playing travel basketball and deserving of a place on the team, they will be added to the already-chosen roster of players.


  • Candidates may be male or female. They must be at least 18 years of age and do not have to be the parent of a player on the team. The candidates should have basic knowledge of the game and possess good administration and management skills and follow the rules set forth by the Officers and the TYB Board. Officers and members of the TYB Board shall not be given any special consideration to fill any coaching position.
  • Coaches of Travel Teams must have an advanced understanding of the game of basketball and have demonstrated an ability to teach it to his/her players. The son/daughter of the Travel Team coach must have sufficient skills to compete at a Travel Team level. If the Evaluation Director feels that the coach's child was not one of the ten most qualified players for the team, then the Evaluation Director and President will determine if the team should be required to carry at least eleven players on the roster.
  • Coaches are selected by the applicable director (Boys Travel, Girls Travel, Upper TYBA, and Lower TYBA) with the consent of the President. Coaches are approved for the current season only and must be approved each year. Both the President and the Board (by majority vote of the entire Board) have the authority to terminate and replace coaches who exhibit inappropriate behavior as determined by the President/Board, as applicable.
  • Prospective coaches will be required to fill out paperwork for a Cori Check before coaching.
  • All coaches are required to abide by the applicable travel league requirements regarding playing time. Further, though every player is guaranteed playing time, this does not mean equal playing time. The only acceptable reason for a player not playing in a game is injury or disciplinary action.
  • If there are no league playing time requirements then,


4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Travel Teams: An 8 minute (6 for playoffs) minimum playing time rule per player per game is in effect for all teams that arrive at a game with 10 or more players. ANY TEAM THAT ARRIVES WITH LESS THAN 10 PLAYERS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING PLAYING RULES:  

- 9 players - each player must play a minimum of 10 minutes (8 playoffs) a game

- 8 players - each player must play a minimum of 12 minutes (10 playoffs) a game 

- 7 or less - each player must play a minimum of 16 minutes (14 playoffs) a game

7th and 8th Grade Travel Teams: A 6 minute (4 for playoffs) minimum playing time rule per player per game is in effect for all teams that arrive at a game with 10 or more players. ANY TEAM THAT ARRIVES WITH LESS THAN 10 PLAYERS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING PLAYING RULES: 

- 9 players - each player must play a minimum of 8 minutes (6 playoffs) a game 

- 8 players - each player must play a minimum of 10 minutes (8 playoffs) a game 

- 7 or less - each player must play a minimum of 14 minutes (12 playoffs) a game


TYB is committed to providing a safe environment for its players, and to prevent abusive conduct in any form. We have a responsibility to protect our players and ensure their safety and well being while they are involved in TYB-sponsored activities.

To this end, we have established the following guidelines of behavior and procedures for all people involved with TYB, including coaches, players, parents, spectators, volunteers and other invitees — all of whom are expected to observe and adhere to these guidelines.

1. Abuse of any kind is not permitted. This means we do not tolerate physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse or misconduct from our players, coaches, officials, volunteers, parents or spectators.

  • Physical and sexual abuse, includes, but is not limited to, striking, hitting, kicking, biting, indecent or wanton gesturing, lewd remarks and indecent exposure. Unwanted physical and sexual contact is strictly prohibited within our organization.
  • Emotional abuse or verbal abuse is also prohibited. These include, but are not limited to, such forms of abuse as: insulting, threatening, mocking, demeaning behavior, or making abusive statements in regard to a person's race, gender, religion, nationality/ethnicity or age.
  1. In providing a safe environment for our players, we appoint all coaches and volunteers — and anyone else affiliated with our organization — as protection advocates. Every member of this organization is responsible for reporting any cases of questionable conduct or alleged mistreatment toward our players by any coach, official, volunteer, player, parent, sibling or spectator.
  2. To further protect our youth participants, as well as our coaches, officials and volunteers, we strongly advise that no adult person allow him/herself to be alone with a player (that is not their child) during TYB-sponsored activities. In particular, we recommend that coaches or other adult members of this organization:
  • Do not drive alone with a player (that is not their child) in the car
  • Do not take a player (that is not their child) alone to the locker room, bathrooms or any other private room
  • Provide one-on-one training or individual coaching without the assistance of another adult or the child's parent/guardian.
  • If you must have a private conversation with a player, do it within view of others

Failure to comply with these requirements can result in immediate removal from TYB by the President or Board of Directors (by majority vote of the entire Board). The President and Board of Directors may pursue further action if the situation warrants.


As noted above, we have established guidelines of behavior and procedures for all people involved with TYB, including coaches, players, parents, spectators, volunteers and other invitees — all of whom are expected to observe and adhere to these guidelines. We understand that watching your son or daughter participate in youth sports can be an emotional experience — both positive and negative.

As a general rule, parents:

  • Should not coach their kids from the stands or behind the bench at any time during games
  • Should encourage their player and the team at all times. Win or lose.
  • Should never make comments to the referees
  • Should not vocally question any basketball decisions that your child's coach may make during the game.

If the TYB organization becomes aware of such behavior, the President or Board of Directors (by majority vote of the full Board) reserve the right to dismiss any player from the program for the remainder of the season (including playoffs) and/or remove any offending spectators (including parents) from the game in question or any future playoff games.


  • The Board will decide, by majority vote at any meeting where a quorum is present, any issues not covered under these bylaws.
  • TYB reserves the right to amend these bylaws by a vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors.

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